Weekly Photo Challenge: Urban

This week WordPress made a challenge on a subject I love to do “Urban”. So I grabbed my camera and took a walk in my hometown Newark, Ohio.


Only in the city can you rock the shirt on the head look. Fashion? NAILED IT!


The top of our courthouse is just cool to me. In the winter they light it up with Christmas lights and it is just a sight to see.


All over town there are these statues of kids and adults. Some are sitting, some are standing, there’s even one that is in a rocking chair reading a book. This really shows how art oriented Newark is and I would love to see an arts festival here.

So there we are, my “Urban” for all to see. Thanks for reading, now go out and rock that head shirt/hat.

About Mark Birks
Professional photographer specializing in fine art photography and portraiture.

2 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Urban

  1. happyface313 says:

    Great pictures – definitely seen with an artist’s eye 🙂

Let me know what you think